Camera Rentals
Lens Rentals
Supply Rentals
Atomos Shogun Flame 4K Recorder

CFast 2.0 Cards

Tiffen Neutral Density

AJA Ki Pro Mini

Tiffen IR ND 4x5.65

Special Offer

Cinema Camera Rentals now has a new post-production partner, Simple DCP. For certain qualifying rentals, we can offer clients a free 1-hour color consultation with Simple DCP’s senior colorist, Anastasia Shepherd. Call or email us to talk more about this great opportunity!
Rent ARRI Alexa SXT Plus

Rent ARRI Alexa Mini

Rent RED Epic-W 8K

Rent Atlas Orion Anamorphics

Rent Sony FS7

Rent Zeiss Ultra Primes

Rent URSA Mini Pro G2